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Marketing Opportunities

The Fayette Chamber offers several ways that allows your business to raise its profile.


Being an event sponsor gives your company an opportunity to gain the publicity and brand recognition needed to succeed.

2023 Sponsorship Opportunites

2023 Annual Awards Celebration Sponsorships

2023 Business On The Green Sponsorships

2023 Sporting Clay Sponsorships

2023 Cornhole Tournament Sponsorships


Please contact us for more details and opportunities.


Fayette County Map

Our local map is published every three years: high advertising visibility!


Please contact us for more information at



Newsletter Advertising

Reach 1,100+ readers by advertising in Chamber News, the Chamber's weekly newsletter. This newsletter is emailed to every member business.


Have a major fundraiser, event, or gala coming up? Ask us today how you can add your advertisement to our weekly newsletter.


Advertising & Exposure


Find It In Fayette! Spotlight coming soon!

  • Highlights your company and introduces it to the entire chamber membership  
  • Provides great advertisement 
  • Opens up the opportunity to network with other members 



Member Events

We have a great way to share your events with your fellow Chamber investors AND our community. Please go to our community website, A tab across the top reads CALENDAR. From the calendar, you may enter your event details. The recommended graphic size is 780x780. 

Entering an event on this community calendar will automatically place it on the Community Calendar on our Fayette Chamber of Commerce website. Two great places with one simple entrance. 

Please allow 48 hours for your event to be approved; at that time, you will be able to see your event on both calendars. For questions, please email 

Click on this link to get started: 


Member Announcements

Share your company's good news - new hires, new products and services or company expansion - in our weekly member news e-newsletter, Chamber News. The deadline for our Wednesday newsletter is noon the Tuesday before; send information to our Communications Manager at



Networking Events

Gain visibility by attending an upcoming event or learning more about our hosting and sponsorship options.


Ambassador Program:

Apply to be an ambassador! This energetic group of professionals volunteer their time to our members and potential members.

Ambassador Agreement


Milestone Events:

Milestone Event Reservation Request

Host or attend our frequent ceremonies to celebrate new and expanding businesses.


Monthly Events:

Business After Hours, Let's Get Social & Lunch & Learn Series Request

Host or attend to showcase your business and network. Comparable services: structured business networking groups and civil organizations.


110% Club

A voluntary 10% is added to your annual membership fee that supports the Fayette Chamber's programs such as Fayette County's Work-base Learning Program. Members who participate receive a window decal, electronic sticker, additional listing on our webpage and special recognition in our Source magazine's printed directory.


Member Mailing List

Conduct a special mailing to 1,100+ business representatives by requesting the Chamber's member mailing list. To request, email Cereto Bean at



FOR MORE INFORMATION about Member Benefits or to join the Fayette Chamber.

Please contact our office.

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